The Bill Payment module can create and settle vendor bills. Once you've completed the process, you can then apply the vendor bill to the owner's account.
Creating a Vendor Bill
Accounting > End of Month Process > Bill Payments
Add a New Bill and specify the Vendor
Step One: Select Units to Add to Bill
Add Selected
Input the Amount and the Owner Statement Description
Complete Step Two: Bill Details
Input the Transaction Type, Date Bill Received, Date Bill Due, Invoice Number, Internal Comments, and Payment Method to vendor
Complete Step Three: Bill Amount
Input the Amount
If applicable, enable the applicable taxes to itemize on the owner statement
Complete Step Four: Finalize Bill Payment
Finalize the bill by entering a check memo if applicable, a reference number and verifying the grand total amount of the bill again.
Paying a Vendor Bill by Check and Applying to Owner Account
To pay by Check, make sure the Payment Method is set to Check in Step Two: Bill Details
Click 'Print Check'
Select the check type and click Print which will open a new tab in your browser to preview and print the check
Once you have printed the check, click 'Ok' which will flag the bill as paid and automatically apply to the owner account(s)
Once a Bill Payment is marked as paid, it cannot be reversed, and the amount will be deducted from the owner's account. However, if an error occurs, a bill payment can be voided or a credit can be applied to the owners account.
Paying a Vendor Bill via ACH File
Ensure you've filled out the Vendor ACH Settings. For additional details, see this article:
To pay via ACH, make sure the Payment Method is set to ACH in Step Two: Bill Details
In Step Four: Finalize Bill Payments, click Pay Bill which will apply two actions: One - the vendor payment will trigger to Process Payouts within the main menu (Accounting > Process Payouts > Produce ACH File) and two, apply to the owner account
To produce the ACH File, see this article: