To maintain a centralized platform, CiiRUS can process credit card payments from guests and owners. You'll only be able to process payments once you've connected to a payment processor and added the card types that you accept, such as Visa or Mastercard.
Add card types
To add the card types that you accept, navigate to:
Global Settings > Settings Assistant
Reservation & Fees Set Up > Payment Processing Settings
Click the "Add+" icon to add a new card type. A new row will appear in the grid
Enter your internal name for the card, this could be an abbreviation such as "MC" and match it to the system type, such as "Mastercard"
Specify your merchant gateway (payment processor)
Click the "Save" icon
Once you have added the card types that you accept, guests will be able to choose from those card types when they pay using the online payment link or any channel where you are merchant of record (collect payment).