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Additional website descriptions
Additional website descriptions
Updated over a week ago

When your website is developed and hosted by CiiRUS, there are additional descriptions that give greater opportunities to present listing information to guests. The fields are optional depending on the layout of your website's listing search page, but if they apply to you, it's a great way to serve lookers more compelling content to turn them into bookers!

First, navigate to the Listing Assistant and open the Descriptions menu under the Listing Content dropdown.

Website Listing Overview

If the website that CiiRUS designed for you has space for a brief description that appears on the search results page, enter that information in the Website Listing Overview field. This appears beneath the "Website Details" heading lower on the page.

Website Location Description

Most websites designed by CiiRUS include space on the listing page for a brief description of the local area. This typically appears beneath the Google Map presented with the listing. Enter a brief description to appear there. This appears beneath the "Website Details" heading lower on the page.

Website Selling Features

Some websites designed by CiiRUS show up to five bulletpoints about the listing on the search results page, before the guest clicks to view more information about the home. Enter a key selling detail about the home in each of the five fields to have that information display on your website. These fields appears beneath the "Website Details" heading lower on the page.

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