Manage all your past, present, and future guests in one place with the Manage Guest Profiles module. Here's what you can do:
Search for guests
Merge guests with multiple entries into a single contact
View all past, present, and future reservations or quotes for a guest
View and comment on communication history
Enter and store notes about a guest
Create marketing categories to apply to guests (repeat guest, snowbird, VIP, etc.)
Add new leads
Import leads from an external leads list (a template spreadsheet is provided)
Import leads to a specific marketing category
Create a new reservation for an existing guest
Where to go
To access your database of guest records, go to:
Manage Guest Profiles
Search for a guest
To search for a guest, type their name or email address in the search bar at the top of the screen and click "Search." The grid will display all guests and leads that match your search criteria. To load all guest records, simply click the "Search" button without applying any search criteria.
Create Persona Categories
Assign personas to guests and leads to organize and group them. For example, you could create the following categories:
Hot Lead
Cold Lead
VIP Guest
Sports Team
You can use personas in Automation Rules to create targeted emails for specific groups of guests. For example, you could send a marketing email to your Hot Leads encouraging them to book with your summer promo code, or email your VIP guests with a special offer.
To create a new persona, click on the "Persona" button above the grid:
From the popup window:
Click the "Add+" icon
Type the name of the persona
Click the "Save" icon
Assign a persona category to a guest
In the grid, select the "Category" column and click in the field to open the dropdown menu. Select the category you want to assign to each guest.