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Unified Calendar
Updated over a week ago

Making a vacation rental manager’s day easier is core to everything we do at CiiRUS. The Unified Calendar handles reservations, quotes, rates, and property care tasks from one convenient dashboard. Super-users may even be able to run their whole day of work from this new screen alone. This new powerhouse tool is set to launch late in Q4 2022, with a follow-up release containing even more features in Q1 2023

Accessing & Navigating the Unified Calendar

Navigate within CiiRUS to Reservations > Unified Calendar

On first load, the Unified Calendar will appear with all listings represented on their own row. Each colorful bar represents a reservation. Empty space represents availability.

Pressing the "Expand" arrow on a listing opens up the housekeeping, maintenance, and inspection schedule for that listing

Press the "Expand All" icon to toggle visibility on the housekeeping, maintenance, and inspection schedules on all listings. Press the button again to collapse all, or use the arrows on each listing to collapse them individually.

Use the "Rates" toggle to display or hide the nightly rates for all listings on the schedule. The rates shown are the default retail rates from the assigned rate-set given to each listing.

Version 2 of the Unified Calendar, launching in Q1 2023 will include the ability to edit rates directly from the calendar.

Use the "More Toggles" drop-down to reveal additional settings that apply to the display of the Unified Calendar.

Use the B2B toggle to enable a red highlight that makes back-to-back rental turnovers stand out on the calendar.

Use the Cleans, Pool Heat, and Flags toggles to enable icons that will appear on each reservation to show whether the clean has been completed, pool heat has been enabled, or flags have been applied to a reservation. The icons will be solid if the condition applies to the reservation, or translucent if the condition does not apply to the reservation.

Use the "Row width" and "Row height" sliders to customize the view-port sizing. This allows the display to show more listings and/or more reservations for a higher level overview, or conversely, zoom in to show less at one time in a more granular fashion.

Increasing the row height reveals more information about each listing on the left, including the main image, bedroom count, bathroom count, and sleeps.

The "print" button produces a printable and savable PDF version of the current calendar view. Specify additional formatting options prior to selecting "Export".

Filtering & Sorting the Unified Calendar

To set the date range, click on the date in the top-left of the calendar:

A pop-up will appear. Use this to select which date should be the starting date of the calendar search, and how far into the future data should be loaded. This can be 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months. Press "Apply" to load the data.

The greater the time period request, the longer the loading time. Please be patient when loading a large amount of data.

Add more data to the listings table by right-clicking on the "Listings" title and selecting "Columns". Check the box for each field that should be added to the table. Click on any of the column headings to sort the calendar by that field.

Use the "Filter & Settings" button in the top-right to apply additional filters and settings to the data that appears in the calendar.

The first tab shows several fields that can be used to filter the listings that will appear on the Unified Calendar. Use the pick-lists to specify which values should be filtered into or out of the results.

Use the Color & View settings to specify how the Unified Calendar will apply colors to the reservations. By default, the second option, which uses the Reservation Source colors specified in the Settings Assistant, will be applied.

Adding Quotes & Reservations

To add a new reservation, mouse over the availability on the applicable listing, and click and drag through the dates that will be booked. This will paint a new event block onto the calendar in real-time. The tool-tip shows which dates have been selected through the drag-and-drop action.

Upon releasing the mouse at the end of the date selection, a pop-up appears. Use the pop-up to specify whether a quote, reservation/blackout, or maintenance event should be added over the specified dates.

After making a selection, complete the given form to add the quote, reservation/blackout, or maintenance task accordingly.

In the upcoming second release of Unified Calendar in Q1 2023, it will be possible to edit nightly rates over a time period selected by drag-and-drop.

Reservations and other events can also be added to a specific listing by pressing the blue + button in the listings column.

Reservations and other events can also be added to a specific listing by double-clicking a start date on the calendar row for that listing, or by right-clicking to choose "add event".

Interacting with Reservations

Each reservation on the calendar is represented by a colorful bar. By default, the color of the bar and the text within is based on the reservation source, as defined in the Settings Assistant.

The bar for each reservation shows the following information:

  1. Paid status (red = not fully paid, green = fully paid)

  2. Reservation source icon

  3. Guest name

  4. "Pool heat requested?" icon (translucent = no, solid = yes)

  5. "Departure clean completed?" icon (translucent = no, solid = yes)

  6. "Reservation has flags?" icon (translucent = no, solid = yes)

The CiiRUS "C" logo as the reservation source icon indicates a direct booking.

Hover the mouse over a reservation to view important information at a glance, such as arrival & departure dates, party size, and IDs.

Double-click on any reservation to open a context menu that leads to the full reservation folio, or to copy or move the reservation.

Click, hold, and drag a reservation up or down to move it to a different property.

Adding Housekeeping, Maintenance, & Inspections

Use the Unified Calendar to add property care tasks such as housekeeping, maintenance, and inspections.

To add a maintenance task (work order) from the primary view of the calendar, click and drag across a date range.

Release the mouse to show a pop-up with the option to add a quote, a reservation/blackout, or maintenance task over the specified dates.

Select "Add a Maintenance Task" to create a new work order for the selected property over the specified dates. Fill out the required fields and select "Add".

To add a clean or inspection, double-click on a reservation in the Unified Calendar, and open the reservation folio.

Navigate to the Operations tab, then use the Housekeeping table and Inspection table to add new events.

Maintenance events can also be added to a specific listing by pressing the blue + button in the listings column.

Maintenance events can also be added to a specific listing by double-clicking a start date on the calendar row for that listing, or by right-clicking to choose "add event".

Interacting with Housekeeping, Maintenance, & Inspections

To view housekeeping, maintenance, and inspections on the Unified Calendar timeline, expand at least one listing with the drop-down arrow to the left of the listing name.

Housekeeping events appear in a blue diamond; maintenance events appear in a gray bar; inspection events appear in an orange diamond.

Each event shows the name of the assigned vendor in the timeline, and shows more information about the tasks upon hover.

Double-click on a housekeeping or inspection event to view more information. The pop-up provides the option to view more information via the housekeeping or inspection schedule, or to open the specific reservation folio that the event pertains to.

There's a lot more you can do with your mouse!

  1. Double click on a maintenance event to open a new tab within the maintenance module that shows all information about that event.

  2. Drag and drop any property care event with your mouse to reschedule it.

  3. Click and slide the beginning or end of a maintenance event to extend or shorten it.

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