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Reservation comments
Updated over a week ago

You can add comments or notes to a reservation for internal reference or to appear on upcoming arrival reports. Comments are a great way to communicate with other reservationists on your team or to leave yourself a reminder of a task that needs to be completed for an upcoming arrival.

Where to go

Comments and notes can be added from the Reservation Folio. To leave a comment, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the applicable reservation > Open the Reservation Folio

  2. Select the "Notepad" tab

Types of comments

There are three types of comments in the Reservation Folio:

  1. Private comments are for internal reference only and will only appear in the Folio. Once added, they cannot be modified or deleted to ensure proper tracking. They are also time-stamped for tracking purposes.

  2. General comments appear on arrival and departure reports. Once added, they cannot be modified or deleted to ensure proper tracking. They are also time-stamped for tracking purposes.

  3. Scratch pad is a free-form comment field with no time or date stamping, so you can make updates at any time. If you work with any booking agents or tour operators, notes left in the scratch pad can be seen by both parties, so it's a good way to communicate something with your booking agent/supplier.

To add a private or general comment, select the "Add Comment" button.

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