All Collections
Property care
Find everything from housekeeping to maintenance.
29 articles
Add contacts & vendors
What are vendor service types?
Default housekeepers
Cleans for vacant units
Roll over incomplete cleans
Setting up inspections
Setting vendor notifications
Viewing the housekeeping schedule
Creating a work order
Create Recurring Work Orders
What is Task Manager?
Setting vendor access to the Task Manager portal
Creating Task Templates
Configuring sections within Task Templates
Configuring questions & requirements within Task Templates
Assigning task templates
Logging into Task Manager
Navigating Task Manager
Issue statuses for Reported Issues
Managing Reported Issues & creating new tasks resulting from them
View tasks on a per-unit basis
Task Report
Viewing tasks using the calendar & agenda views
Trouble uploading a photo/video in Task Manager portal
Reporting issues
Satisfying questions/requirements
Start or reset tasks
Task summary
My Tasks